Welcome November! October certainly made its presence known as it closed the door and opened the door to November. Things have been changing so fast here I’ve barely been able to keep up with it. Happy New Year! That energy of change and transition is still around us now but you should find that this is more of energy and new beginnings flowing towards you. If you’ve been working hard and navigating a lot this is where you should start finding rewards.
While I don’t feel like things are going to be slow… they should start to slow down a bit and feel a bit more under control. The shifts have been really strong this year and you should find that as you start navigating the month things start feeling a bit more stable and you start feeling more grounded. For those of you who have been feeling like the energy is a bit too intense remember to ground and center as the energy will start to calm. It’s a great time to go through and cleanse your house if you haven’t done so recently.
This month we have our New Moon on the 13th, the Taurids and Leonids Meteor Shower to look forward to, and the Full Moon on the 27th! Let’s take a look at what’s happening this month.
November 1 – Mexico’s Day of the Dead
November 4 – 6 Northern Taurids Meteor Shower
November 13 – New Moon
November 16 – 17 Leonids Meteor Shower Peaks
November 27 – Full Moon
November 30th – Festival of Hecate

I pulled Grandfather Sky from the Native Spirit Oracle deck for the month of November. You are heading into a time of expansion and this is the time that you need to reach for the stars, especially for those of you who found October challenging to navigate. Make it a point to look for that first star at night and make that wish. know that the energy is expanding around you and that’s going to bring you new options and opportunities. The sky is the limit, don’t you forget that. Many of you are finding that you are on a brand new path in your life right now. Make that path what you want it to be. Remember to navigate those decisions coming your way based on who you are and what you want the most in your life right now.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. Want to know what’s coming your way in November? I have a few readings left for the November Tarot Forecast to be delivered on Monday.