Today I have a great article from Llewellyn to share with you. How to Identify Your Primary Chakra Type: Discover Your Unique Soul-Print
The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel. We have seven chakras or energy wheels as I like to think of them, in our bodies. They help to influence our personal energy. With this article, Shai Tubali is proposing that not only are we influenced by our Chakras but we have a Primary and Secondary Chakra that we are deeply influenced by that helps to guide who we are. The article goes through the seven Chakras and will help you to identify your primary and secondary Chakra.
I spent a bit of time with the article this morning and I’m really drawn to three of them, Sacral Chakra (The Artists), Heart Chakra (The Caregivers) and the Crown Chakra (The Yogis) I’ve sat with this for a bit and I honestly that the Sacral is my primary and the Crown is my secondary thought the Heart one is super close. The reason that I went with Sacral is I looked back upon my entire life and I’ve always had an incredibly strong connection to the arts. I’ve been singing, drawing and writing for as long as I can remember. It’s just something that I truly love. I think you can probably guess why I put the Crown Chakra next. Though honestly I think these two are interchangeable for me. I’m curious to see what all of you think.
If you enjoy the article he wrote a book called Your Chakra Personality. It dives deeper into what we looked at in this article. I’ve ordered a copy as I’m interested in learning more.
Reading the articles inspired me to do a Chakra Balancing Reading for the shop! You can now get a tarot reading that gives you information about your chakras! You can find it here: Chakra Balancing Tarot Reading
I hope that you have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong