Many of you know that I absolutely love the wolves. The White Wolf was my first spirit animal that I became aware of and is very special to me. I’ve been lucky enough to see them once at a wonderful sanctuary here in Massachusetts called Wolf Hollow. It was one of the most amazing experiences that I’ve had. They are incredibly beautiful in person.
For those of you have have been with me for awhile you know that I love They are an organization that has tons of live webcams that you can watch. There are so many different cams to choose from. Many of them lead to sanctuaries and other organizations that are trying to help. You can read about the organizations on the pages that they are on. I keep two of them up on my desk all the time when I work. Usually I watch the kittens and the ocean. Yesterday I just happened to catch a cam that made me stop and catch my breath…a beautiful white wolf was walking across the screen. I’ve seen wolf cams before but have never seen anything on them. I’ve had this cam up for awhile now and it’s incredible. There are several of them for you to watch and they are quite active. You can find them here: Wolf Cam

This is one hanging out on top of the den.

Here he is taking a snooze. Can you believe how close the cam can zoom in? It’s really incredible.
The wolves are located at the International Wolf Center in Ely, Minnesota. They have a pack of four wolves that you can watch wander almost an acre and a half. You can learn about their organization and the wolves they have here: International Wolf Center.
I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I am! They are really incredible and it’s an incredible opportunity to be able to see them so close. You can even watch them with sound! I was listening to them howl this morning. Really really amazing to listen to. I realized my cats were not enthused though as one of them crept by me and immediately cut the sound. It’s pretty neat to watch them with the sound on as well. Enjoy!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong