A huge part of working with magick is learning to work with energy. You need to know that everything in the world is made up of energy. The more you become aware of this energy, the easier it is to understand it and work with it. You become aware of this energy by spending more conscious time with it.
When you have free time in the coming weeks, spend some extra time increasing your energy awareness. Grab a blank notebook and a pen. Spend time in different places picking up on the energy that surrounds you. For instance, perhaps one day you want to sit against a tree at the edge of a field. Sit there quietly and just take your time reaching out your personal energy to meet what is around you. You can visualize your energy going out to greet the energy around you. Visualize it as a beautiful stream of light coming from your body and going to meet the energy around you. Maybe you want to start with the tree that you are leaning against. Next, perhaps you want to try to feel the energy of the Earth under you. How about the grass and the flowers in the field in front of you. Work through the area around you, slowly extending your energy. When you are done, take a few moments to jot down things that you remember. Write down anything you can think of to describe the energy you felt.
Repeat this exercise whenever you can. You can try the same place multiple times if you want to see how things change. It’s also good to try all different places. With time energy will start becoming familiar. This is helpful when you are working with magick because you will be able to call upon energy. If you are working with a spell with the wind and are familiar with the energy of the wind, that can help. Does that make sense? Keep adding to your energy memory library, and it will help your energy in your magick have a stronger impact as you develop relationships with the world around you.
If you are looking to develop your intuition, this will also help strengthen your intuitive gifts. It helps you to read the energy around you and to become familiar with it. This is helpful when you are trying to read energy. It also can help you to learn how to extend your energy reach. In the tree example, we started in your immediate energy bubble. Work to see how far out you can feel the energy. With time you will find you can read energy that is further away, and that will help strengthen your gifts as well. I’ve been working with this for so long that I can often sense that someone or something is coming my way long before it gets to me. It’s pretty neat how much you can do with it.
I hope that you have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong