As we move away from using cash and coins in favor of cards and our phones, it has become a bit more challenging to find pennies on the ground. I just find that they mean that much more when we do see them.
I would bet that all of you have heard that if you find a penny on the ground it brings you good luck. How many of you have heard that it must be heads-up in order for it to be good luck? Have you ever heard that pennies are signs from loved ones on the other side? I have an article on my experiences with that here if you are interested: Pennies as Signs From the Other Side.
Pennies can bring some wonderful energy when working with magick. Many of you are familiar with them bringing you the energy of luck, as we talked about. In the past, copper and other metals were often seen as gifts from the Gods or for the Gods. They were also known to have protective properties. It’s part of the reason that you will see so many beautiful statues, bowls, chalices, and other beautiful metal pieces in places like temples, pyramids, and other spiritual places. If you’ve also taken part in throwing a penny into a wishing well, that is a form of a simple spell to ask the gods to smile down upon you and help grant your wish. I also saw somewhere that coins would be thrown into the water of streams and lakes in ancient times for water spirits.
You can bring some of that energy into your life as well. Consider tucking a penny in your pocket to bring you extra luck or protection throughout your day. You can place one outside the door to your home or the driveway to your property. Staying at a hotel? Tuck one under the doormat or just in front of the door inside your room to help keep positive energy in your room. If you don’t have access to a penny, know that you can use anything copper. Pennies can be used as symbols of prosperity, abundance or wealth when working with magick. If you are looking to boost that energy in any spell that you are working on, you will find that it may be a great addition to the spell that you are working on.
One more thing that you may be familiar with using pennies for…. divination. That’s right when you are flipping a coin, that is a divination method. You are using an object to help seek knowledge. Make sure you watch for pennies on your path today!
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong