The other day I created a special reading to help you to connect with the Owl as Your Spirit Animal called the Wisdom of the Owl Tarot Reading. When I went to share the reading with all of you I wanted to pair it with an article about the Owl for you. For some reason, I can’t seem to find one even though I really thought I wrote to you about the owl before. It may just be information that I’ve been giving out in tarot readings through the years that I’m thinking of.
I started working with the Owl almost ten years ago now. I thought I could feel the presence of the owl around me but I asked for confirmation. I always love looking for that extra validation. Within a day we were out for a drive and there she was on the side of the road. We pulled over and I stood there about ten feet from her just staring. It was my first experience seeing one so close and it was as if she could see deep into my soul. It’s one of those memories that I will never forget. I saw her not far from my house. A couple of months after that the weather warmed and I started hearing two of them at night calling to each other in the park across the street from my home. We walk out there a lot and on one of those walks, I came almost face to face with the owl again. She was just off the path sitting on a low branch. So incredible. Last Summer they were in our yard one night and I stood at the window for the longest time. On that night we thought there might have been four of them. I still love hearing them at night and seeing them on occasion. It’s a spirit animal that I’ve found to be quite generous with the signs and one that I’ve really enjoyed working with.
Owls often come to those who are intuitive, especially empaths. I find that they are drawn to their gentle nature and often are wonderful allies in helping those that they are working to strengthen their intuition. The owl is quite good at seeing into the unknown. As you likely know they are most active at night and they can see better at night as well. As a spirit animal, the owl helps you to see beyond what is immediately apparent to you. They can also help you to work with things that you may have in the shadows. When the owl appears to you they may be letting you know that you need to get ready to go on an adventure into the unknown. They will often work to bring you information on the paths that you are following and the options that are available to you. They can help teach you to be more in tune with the small signs around you that help to give you information that will be useful in your life.
Owls love the night. To work on your connection with the owl find a time at night that you can go out and listen. You can ask them to come to you. If you don’t hear them or see them don’t get discouraged. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t working with you. Sometimes they are one of the harder spirit animals to find. You can carry a picture of an owl to help connect you to their energy.
I hope that you have the most magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
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