Merry Meet, Can you believe that Yule is just a few days away? If you haven’t stopped by the shop I have several different readings for you to choose from! You can find all the special readings in the Limited Edition section of my shop. The Yule Tarot Journey is the reading that I created 20 years ago now! Isn’t that crazy? I can’t believe it’s been that long. I get so excited to do this reading every year so I do hope that you enjoy it as much as I do. I’ve designed it to help to capture the spirit of the season. Another one of my favorites is the 12 Ghosts of Yule! This is a newer reading that I designed a couple of years ago and it quickly became a favorite. I also have the Witch’s Magick Solstice Reading that focused on the energy of the Winter Solstice and the energy that the darkest part of the year brings us as we get ready to move back towards the light.
We have a very special event this month, a second New Moon!!! This happens just before the New Year. I’m so excited about this one. While not an official astrology term, many have come to call the occurrence of a second New Moon in the same month a Black Moon. It also is a Supermoon although we won’t really be able to see it much as it’s the New Moon. It does make for a pretty special Moon though and I have the perfect reading to celebrate that with. You can find that here: Black Moon Tarot Reading
I put up all the 2025 Forecast Readings for you today as well!! There is the 2025 New Year Tarot Reading that you have the option to combine the Astrological reading with that is available each year. This year I also have an offering for a 2025 Spirit Animal Reading where we look at the energy coming your way each month and I let you know what spirit animal you should work with that month. I also have a 2025 Crystal Tarot Reading that we do the same thing.
I hope that you enjoy everything! If there’s something that you want that you aren’t seeing let me know!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. the ornament above is one that I made when I was little.
Yule is this Weekend!