
Are you Intuitive, A Highly Sensitive Intuitive or a Psychic?

I’ve heard a lot lately the opinion that everyone has the ability to be a psychic.  I can’t say that I disagree with that.  If you work really hard I do believe that everyone can gain a deeper connection with their intuition.  However I do believe that you will find people who have a much easier time with learning how.  These are the people that I refer to as highly intuitive, or highly sensitive intuitives. 

If you think about it this happens in many aspects in life.  Everyone has the ability to become a musician or an artist.  However there are some people that just thrive in these areas.  It just comes to them naturally. I believe the same can happen with people who are intuitive. There are some people who are born with a natural ability that makes it a bit easier to learn. I also believe there are some who are gifted much the same as perhaps someone who is an early prodigy on the piano.

Everything in the world is made up of energy.  When you are a highly sensitive intuitive you are sensitive to that energy.  Yes everyone can tap into that energy and learn to read it.  If you are born sensitive to it though it already influences you on a day to day basis.   It’s your decision at any level if you wish to develop your intuition.  I do believe those who are already sensitive will have a bit of an easier time. 

I believe a psychic is one who has learned to take that energy and not only be aware of it but learn to interpret it.  This is something that can come naturally to some and can be developed over time.  I worked with my gifts for years to get them to where they are today.  I think it’s important to understand the differences.  You may have the potential to be a psychic but without dedication and learning it may reside with you as an mostly untouched talent.  

I hope this helps!

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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