Blessings of Imbolc! Today we celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year again. At Imbolc, we celebrate the Earth’s getting ready for spring to return and the return of our light. I know some of you are starting to see signs of Spring returning, like the first snowdrops coming up through the snow. Here in Massachusetts, I find that the snowdrops usually start coming up a bit closer to the end of February. Our Spring Equinox and the official return of Spring is next month on March 19th. Even if you don’t have any flowers starting to come up yet, right now, we can enjoy the days getting longer. I know where I live, we are enjoying the sun finally setting again after 5:00. Some of those winter days can seem quite long when it’s dark before we can get dinner on the table. I’m definitely looking forward to Daylight Savings time on March 10th this year and hoping that they do away with it eventually everywhere so we no longer have days where it’s dark at 4:30 here.
Today we celebrate that energy that is stirring deep inside the Earth as flowers and new life get ready to greet us. As the Earth prepares for new beginnings, so should we. Start thinking about what you want as you move through the year. What energetic seeds are you getting ready to plant? For those of you who have gardens, you may be getting ready to plant some seeds for the Spring now. I have a package of seeds that I ordered that we are going to be getting going in the next couple of days. We also found a seedling starter kit that I am super excited about. We were out in the shops the other day and found silicone seedling trays! So exciting. It makes it easy to pop the seedlings out, and it’s reusable. We came home and researched them and found a kit that we love that has room for 60 seedlings, and it even has these little LED grow lights. I’m all excited to plant seeds this weekend. Planting seeds is a great way to celebrate Imbolc and get ready for Spring.
“New life is stirring beneath the ground
Mother Earth’s treasures excited to be found
the earthy smell of spring starting to arrive in the air,
with a slightly warmer breeze to gently blow away your cares
Take some time to spend in the warming rays of the sun.
and plant seeds now for what you wish to come”
– Jasmeine Moonsong
We are also celebrating our Goddess Brigid today. What I love about the Goddess Brigid is she is the Goddess of creativity and inspiration. She encourages you to learn and explore the world around you. She brings you creative energy to assist you in your life and inspire you. Those of you who love art or are artists will notice that you are drawn to create over the next few days. Honor that by painting or drawing something this weekend or participating in any other art form of your choice.
In Kildare, Ireland, this amazing Goddess is still celebrated today. The fires dedicated to her were originally attended by nineteen priestesses, but today, they are attended by nineteen nuns. If you want to learn more about the Goddess Brigid, I have an article for you here: The Goddess Brigid.
Have a Blessed Imbolc!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. Don’t forget to stop by the shop to order your Imbolc Blessings Tarot Reading or the Goddess Brigid Tarot Journey.
Blessings of Imbolc!