
Casting Spells for Yourself and Others

original artwork by i-am-JENius

Every year I get so many emails requesting that I cast a spell for someone to fix something in their lives. While I am a witch and I do work with magick, not everything is that easy! I wish it was.  While I am open to designing personal spells and teaching people how to work with them, I am not open to casting spells for others. I will however send energy, most often I will send healing energy.

I’ve been lucky enough to have some of the best teachers on my path and a couple of them were especially helpful in teaching me spell work.  Honestly? I was a little intimidated by it when I first started studying the craft.  I had tons of questions and I worried that I would do something wrong.  Yes, things can go wrong.  I’ve had many of you write to me with that exact fear.  I’m always happy to see someone be a bit more cautious and respectful when working with magick rather than those who have no experience and just start working with spells.   

When you break spell work down it really doesn’t have to be that complicated. The more you understand how it works, the easier it is and the easier it becomes to write your own spells. I’ve been taught that energy is key and I have spent over ten years now learning to work with energy.  It’s pretty incredible what you can do when you understand it.   Energy is part of why I will write spells for people to work with but I will not do the actual spell.  I believe that it’s crucial that the person who has the desire be the one to work with the spell as it is their intention that needs to be raised with their energy.  Makes sense right?   I will teach you how to work a spell but in the end, you are the one who needs to do the spell.

I would caution all of you with the people who advertise the spells to fix your life instantly. These are the  people who tell you that (Insert tragedy in your life) will happen unless you pay (insert ginormous amount of money) to have them cast a spell on you to fix it.  I have some advice for those ads.  Run Away. Period. Run away.   It doesn’t work that way and honestly the one thing they will fix is their income with your wallet.  I feel incredibly bad for the numbers of people that have wrote me letters letting me know that they have paid hundreds of dollars for spells that do nothing.   

Please also note that I consider charging stones with energy for others in a different category.  You can consider it spell work? I consider it energy work. I have charged stones for various reasons for many people in my life.  I do like to give the person I’m charging it for instructions for how to add their energy to the stone and charge it as well.  It adds their energy to it and in my opinion increases the energy thus increasing it’s strength.   

I have so many people who come to me and either don’t know how to put together a spell or are really intimidated by the process.  I understand that it can take time to learn how to put together your own spells and I’ve been asked to teach a class on this in the future for all of you which I am considering doing.   It’s always best to work a spell yourself although you may get advice on how to put a spell together.  So for instance I put together custom spells for people a lot.  I am told what the desired outcome is, sometimes we have to tweak it based on what I’m going to go into next, but I then give the person I’m working with detailed instructions on what to gather and what to do.  I like to keep them simple if someone doesn’t have a lot of experience casting.  I’m of the opinion that complexity does not equal additional success.  Wishing on that first start can be incredibly powerful and you should always know that spell work does not have to be impossible.  You don’t need to go to various points on the planet to gather the rarest of ingredients spending hundreds of dollars to make what you want happen.  Your energy is what’s most important.  That’s what I’ve been taught time and time again.  I’ve also worked with it long enough to have the proof in my life so I’m very comfortable telling you that simplicity works.

So now that we’ve established that it’s always best to cast your own spell and work with the energy yourself  and understand that you don’t need a complex spell, what is my other reason for not casting spells for others?

I don’t believe in interfering with others lives.  When you work with magick you really have to be accountable and responsible for what you are working.  You cannot do something that changes the will of another person.  So it is my belief that any spell that is a “Make him love me spell,” is off the table.  What if in this scenario, the Man that you want to love you has a person that he is meant to be with in this life? If you change his course and he isn’t meant to be with you what happens then? You may be impacting the person you are meant to be with in the future, his future spouse, children and the mess goes on.  That’s why I will not work any spell that has this sort of an impact.  

What you can do though is rethink the spell.  So you want his attention but casting a spell to make him love you is off the table.  What then? You can cast a spell for yourself to make you more open to love and help you to attract the person that you are meant to be with.  See how that works better?  You send that notice to the universe saying hey, I’m here and I’m ready for this.  The universe then works on a response for you.  No future spouses or children are left stranded because their life path got altered. 

Now that you know how easy it is to interfere with the lives of others you will have an understanding of why I won’t cast the spell for others.  How do I know the person is giving me all of the information? It’s near impossible for me to have as clear of an understanding of the situation at hand as the person who has the desire.  So what I can do it teach them the proper way to do it.  If I feel that it’s something that will impact others I can restructure the spell work so that it doesn’t.   

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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