
Conquering Fears of the Dark

Something that I find is a very common fear is a fear of the dark!  I must confess I will still have issues with it from time to time.  I find that usually, it’s a matter of allowing my eyes time to adjust to the dark and then I am better. 

My son was telling me the other day that he is afraid of the dark and I wanted to try to help him with it.  I told him the following story that I thought I would share with all of you today.  I was a Girl Scout from the age of five all the way through high school. I was incredibly involved and started working with the girls as a coach and leader when I was only 12.  I started living away from home summers at camps when I was just 14.  The camp that I worked at was located in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, way out in the woods.  One of the things I loved about it was how clear the skies were during the Summer as there was no light from cities to impact it.

I bunked in tent/cabins called tabins.  They were tucked into all different corners of the camp and we walked everywhere.  There was a lodge for those of us who were working the camp in the middle of the camp with movies, music and popcorn.  I use to go up there every night to meet my friends.  One problem….. it required me walking back through the woods in the dark at night.  There was a path but really not much for lights at all as each tabin was tucked into a grove of trees and usually by the time we were done watching movies in the staff lodges the campers were in bed and it was completely dark.

That Summer was the year that I got really acquainted with the dark.  I learned to let my eyes adjust and to listen to all that was going on around me. I discovered that most nights it was easier to see without a flashlight as the light just messed with my eyes.  By the end of Summer, I came to really enjoy my walks at night alone under the light of the Moon listening to the crickets, frogs, bats, and other creatures of the night.  Some nights were definitely more enjoyable than others as the light from the Moon was brighter.  There were some nights that I had to use a flashlight as it was a New Moon or cloudy that night.  Those were the nights that I found I struggled the most.

When you have something that you are afraid of you may find that you just have to get through that initial fear. Then the more you do it the more you will get used to it and your fear will subside.  I’ve done this with a few different things in my life like flying and going on elevators in tall buildings.  To this day I still find that the energy in the night is amazing.  If you have a fear of the dark I encourage you to work past that fear so that you can enjoy all the wonderful energy that the night has to offer you.  While I still struggle with the dark I find it’s more often indoors than outdoors. Isn’t that funny?

I hope you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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