
Create A Blessings Jar

Today I want to teach you how to make a simple Blessings Jar.  A blessings jar is a jar that you fill with little trinkets and reminders of things that are special to you.  The blessings jar is a form of a simple spell that help you to give thanks for the blessings in your life and in doing so attract more of the same energy into your life.  This is something that you can really customize to fit you and the decor in your home or office.  It can be something that’s really pretty and something very meaningful for you.

Many of you know that I adore Mason jars.  You can use a Mason Jar for this exercise or any other type of jar that you wish.  Old jelly jars work amazing if some of you keep those to recycle for crafts.  I suggest using a clear jar as it’s easier to see what’s inside but some of you may want to use tinted jars like perhaps a blue or green jar as you enjoy how they look. The jar that you choose should have a lid, cork or some other way of closing it.

In this jar you can put stones, crystals, shells, coins, jewelry, charms, anything that is symbolic to you in some way of a blessing in your life.  As you choose each item to put into the jar think about the positive energy that the blessing associated with it brings to your life. You can leave your jar like this and add to it from time to time or here are some variations.

Sand: You can add sand to it from the beach, decorative sand, maybe some glitter to the mix, some tiny stones.  Choose something related to sand as this adds energy from the Earth to your jar.  

Water:  Make sure that the items in your jar won’t be harmed by water.  What I love about this option though is that you can really shake things up in the jar (gently of course) and the items in the jar will shift drawing your attention to different blessings all the time.

Store your jar on your alter where you can see it every day as a reminder of all the wonderful things that you are blessed with right now in your life.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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