
Creating Sacred Space

When working with magick, how many of you take the time to create sacred space before you begin?   While taking time to create a sacred space can add a bit of time to whatever you are working on, you will find that the time you spend can be a tremendous help in you finding the success that you are looking for.  The foundation for any magick you want to do is working with energy. Just like it’s important to have a blank canvas when you paint, it’s important to ensure that the energy in the area you are working in is as clear as it can be.  It’s even something that you may find helpful if you are just going to spend some quiet time meditating or relaxing.

1. Make sure the area you are working in is free of any clutter and debris. If there’s anything that doesn’t belong in that area return it to its proper space. Ideally, you will have an area that you can practice in regularly. Most of us will not have that kind of space though. So wherever you are practicing, make sure that you do what you can to reduce the clutter as this can contribute energy you don’t want present in your work.

2. Cleanse the space that you are working in. You can use white sage or dragons blood to cleanse the area that you intend to work in.

3. Cleanse yourself. Make sure you cleanse yourself before beginning your work.

4. Choose some personal items to add to the area. This is the time when you can add any gemstones, candles, etc that you wish to have in the space with you.

5. Ground and center yourself. This is also a great time to cleanse your chakras if you’ve not done so in a while. I generally do all three together now.

6. Create a sacred space around yourself. For those of you comfortable casting circles, that’s a great way to do this. If you are new to Wicca or just wish to have another method to use, you can use energy to do this as well. When you ground and center yourself, you fill yourself with the white divine energy. You can expand this energy outward to create a safe space for you to work with.

It sounds like a lot of steps, and the first few times you do this, it will add a bit of time but will be worth it. In time though, you’ll be able to do all of this pretty quickly and it really will make a difference in your work.  

I’ve come to enjoy the benefits of having this sacred space as well and have found myself using it more and more. I make sure that where I work each day is set up properly and supportive of what I’m trying to do. I also incorporate energy work to help make things like bubble baths and reading more relaxing. I find it helps to relax me and keep me focused.  

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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