
Dandelion Magick

I have a couple of oldies but goodies for you today.  I went dipping into my archives for a bit of sunshine and I found it with these Dandelion treasures. They are already starting to come back here in Massachusetts.  One is a story from several years ago now.  The second is a spell that I adore to use with dandelions that will brighten your day.

Dandelion Magick 

“Mommy can you ask Earl not to mow the lawn today?” Cole asked me as he was climbing into the car to go to camp.“Why?” I asked him.”There’s tons of wishes out there and I need time to make them all before Earl mows the lawn.”

I couldn’t help but smile as he finished getting into the car.

He is right though on Dandelions making good wishes! Did you know that when you blow the seeds off of a Dandelion you are not only making a wish but casting a spell?  My son has been making wishes on them for as long as I can remember. Usually when he finds one he runs over to me with it and has me wish with him.  It’s really cute.

Such a simple act, such a simple spell, with reputation it can contain some pretty powerful energy. If you think about it, each time you make a wish you are setting your intention and sending energy out. It’s like wishing on a star every night. Such a simple act can wind up being really powerful.  So the next time you pass by that dandelion make a wish!

Spell:  The Sun Spell (Llewellyn)

In tarot, the Sun is the most powerful and positive card in the deck. For this spell you will need a dandelion. They are powerful plants, filled with positive sun energy. Also, they are well known to increase psychic abilities and connection to spirit. In a small glass bowl, crush the petals with a spoon. Go outside and sit in a sunny spot, and dip your fingers into the mixture. Apply to the backs of both hands. Place your hands over your heart, with the essence exposed, and repeat the following as you breathe slowly and deeply, face turned up toward the sun:

“Thank you for sharing your power.
Thank you for sharing your warmth.
Thank you for sharing your light.
Thank you for sharing your joy.”

Repeat the mantra three times. Leave the dandelion essence on your hands for as long as you can, and breathe it in when you think of it.

I hope these make your day a bit brighter! Watch for those dandelions!

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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