It was supposed to rain all day today and when I woke up this morning there was a blue sky there to greet me. I laughed when Earl came down the hallway sneakers in hand already knowing what was on my mind. I quickly grabbed my sneakers and a water bottle and we were out the door.
Less than five minutes into the walk we saw two deer. We did a bit of a dance with them as we walked down the road and they took their walk along the river to the right of us. A few minutes past that the river took a turn and the deer followed it while our path went straight. We had paused to watch them running off into the woods white tails bouncing along the way. I wish they were closer so I could have grabbed a picture for you!
When I turned back to Earl he was pointing down at the plant you see below.
You can see it closer here. Can you believe it? It’s growing right out of the paved road. It’s not even a broken road? This road was just paved last year! My town doesn’t always pave right? They just run new pavement over the old and that’s what happened here. I can’t believe anything managed to come through it.
So the message for the day? If you try hard enough you can accomplish anything you wish? Miracles can happen? Strength and determination will help you reach your dreams. Never give up. I love that we found the deer on the same day just before this. It just shows you that your guides are always with you.
Have an amazing day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong