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Earth Chakras

We have spent a lot of time working with our personal chakras.  Did you know that it is said that the Earth has them as well? There are seven sacred sites around the world that are believed to be the seven chakras of the Earth.   These sites have energy that is stronger than many places on Earth and if you have had the chance to visit any of them, you’ve likely noticed how amazing that energy can feel.  Are any of them near you? Let’s take a look at the sites and the Chakras of the Earth that it is believed that they correspond to.

Mount Shasta, California, United States – Root Chakra

Mount Shasta is one of the highest peaks of the Cascade Mountains in Northern California and is often compared to the Root Chakra. It was once an active volcano and is now considered pretty much dormant but it is noted that there is a chance that it could erupt.  Native Americans believed Mount Shasta was a sacred site.  The name Shasta means sacred waters and they believed that this mountain had healing energy.  Some legends also say that they may have believed it was the home of the creator.  

Lake Titicaca, South America, Border of Bolivia and PeruSacral Chakra

Lake Titicaca is the largest freshwater lake in South America located in the Andes Mountains between Bolivia and Peru.  The lake is one of the oldest lakes in the world and is thought to be around three million years old. the lake is shaped like a Puma.  Some say it looks like a Puma hunting a rabbit. The name Titicaca comes from the word “Titi Khar’ka” meaning Rock of the Puma in Aymara.  The first settlements around the lake that we know of go back to around 1500 B.C.  There are ruins of ancient settlements to explore in this area and a temple has been found at the bottom of the lake.

Uluru Central Australia – Solar Plexus

Uluru is a large sandstone formation located in Central Australia.  It is the worlds largest monolith rising up 1,142 feet above the surrounding desert plain and 2,831 feet above sea level.   The rock changes color depending upon the position of the sun.  If you look up pictures you will see examples of the beautiful variations of color depending on the time of the day. There is truly no other place like it on Earth.

Stonehenge, Southern England – Heart Chakra

How many of you knew that Stonehenge would be on the list? I think this is likely one of the most familiar sacred sites believed to be a chakra of the Earth.  The Monument has a mysterious history that has been debated for a long time.  One thing that isn’t in question is the amazing energy that you will feel if you get the chance to visit. Archaeologists believe that it was built sometime between 3,000 to 2,000 B.C.  

Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; Mount Sinai, Egypt; Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel – Throat Chakra

I find it interesting that there are three sites that are said to correspond to the throat chakra.  When you look at them on the map they form a triangle.  The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest Egyptian Pyramid and was built in the 26th century B.C. The Mount of Olives is a mountain ridge next to Jerusalem’s Old City named for the olive groves that once called it home.  Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world.

Aeon Activation Center – Glastonbury England – Third Eye

This is the only sacred site that corresponds to an Earth Chakra that is believed to move every aeon.  It is currently believed to be located in Glastonbury England.  They said that it coordinates with the location of the constellations.  In the Age of Aquarius that we are in now, it is believed that the third eye is in line with the heart chakra in England.  When we move into the Age of Capricorn around 3500 it is believe that this will shift to Brazil.    Glastonbury has had people living there since the Neolithic age.  Many important legends come from this area including like King Arthur.  Glastonbury Tor is a hill that has St Michael’s Tower on top.  The Tor is mentioned in many Celtic Legends.  There is a strong history in this area that I know many of you will really enjoy exploring.

Mount Kailash, Tibet – Crown Chakra

Our final sacred site is Mount Kailash, Tibet. Located in the Himalayan Mountains, Mount Kailash has an altitude of over 21,000 feet. In Hinduism this mountain is known to be the home of Shiva along with the Goddess Parvati and their children.  Every year thousands visit this mountain for it’s energy.

I hope you enjoyed the quick tour! Each site has so much to offer if you get the chance to visit.  Can’t go in person? Explore the sites online.  They all have a rich history and there are many photos and videos online that will help you to get a feel for their energy.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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