In 1970 the Earth Day Network held the first Earth day to help educate and activate all of us to help heal our world and tend to the problems that we are facing with our environment. Each year on April 22 we celebrate the beginning of this organization by celebrating Earth day. This year we are celebrating 50 years. I encourage you to check out the history of this worldwide organization and their many achievements over the last 50 years. Earth Day History
We have a lot going on in our world today as we work together to battle a Pandemic that has taken so many lives in this world. While I am saddened by the loss of lives you cannot help but notice the impact that our staying home is having on our world. Pollution levels are plummeting improving our air quality, water is getting cleaner and clearer because of the absence of people, wildlife is thriving finding that it has more room to move about and more resources. There is no denying the impact that our staying home has had on the Earth. It’s really incredible. You and I both know that we can’t stay like this forever, but if we can make a difference going forward in our actions we can change the future of our world and the health of our beautiful Earth.
For the first time in 50 years Earth Day is going live online and it is going to be amazing. I encourage you all to tune in and to share this as many people as you can. We can all join together to make a difference. There is power in our unity. Join the Earth Day Organization for 24 hours of action. Earth Day Live.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong