Ancient EnergyArticlesEarthEmpathEnergyHealing


One of the things I have adored doing my entire life is going barefoot. My children have always been the same way.  Even as they make their way into their adult lives it’s not uncommon to find them with bare feet. One shoe of choice during the summer is flip-flops so we can kick them off and run free whenever we wish.  Special favorite places to wander with bare feet are the damp morning grass as the sun is just coming up, the soft sand on a beach shifting away beneath our toes and the cool soft moss that forms the most amazingly lush carpet between our toes in the summer.

Many of you have likely heard the term, “Earthing”.  Many of you will find that it’s quite familiar as we know it as a method of grounding. Earthing is when you go outside and walk barefoot, or stand with your feet in the Earth to maximize your connection to her.  What’s amazing is that science is actually catching up and providing validation for what a lot of us have already known. Everything in the world is made up of energy.  Learning how to work with that energy can have amazing benefits on your health and wellness.  The energy of our Mother Earth is naturally grounding.  You will find that you do something simple like walking barefoot, you connect with her energy and naturally find yourself grounded.  “When walking on the earth barefoot, free electrons from the earth transfer into your body via the soles of your feet. These free electrons are some of the most potent antioxidants known to man.” – Mercola

Another method you can use is just simply sitting or laying on the ground.  This will transfer the energy as well.  Saltwater is something else that can be helpful in the process so if you can walk barefoot on the beach, this will help tremendously.  That’s one of my favorite things to do and part of the reason I want to move near the ocean one day.

If you are interested in learning more about it there is a book that many of you will enjoy. You can find it here:  Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

Spend some extra time walking barefoot! Many of you live in places where this is possible all year, and many more of us are finally in the season where it’s possible.  I know I have been barefoot every day for a couple of weeks now.  Pick a spot of dirt and stand there wiggling your toes and working their way into the cool dark Earth. Gardens are just amazing for this, especially when they are freshly tilled.  Did I mention that I almost always do my planting barefoot? So much fun.  Feel your connection with her and allow her to nourish your soul. Her energy is some of the most powerful medicine known to mankind and I am thrilled that the rest of the world, regardless of religious preference is discovering how amazing she is.

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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