While I loved the changing seasons through most of my life, I’ve been finding that over the last several years I haven’t been loving it as much. I think part of the reason for it is that I really got into gardening several years ago and I have such a hard time losing all that I have worked so hard for when the cold comes. I also really don’t care for daylight savings. I honestly think not having to shift the clocks back in the fall would help a lot. Having it get dark here at 4:30 can get pretty tough. If you are someone that struggles with Seasonal Depression I wrote an article about it awhile ago that you can find here: Seasonal Depression and the Wheel of the Year.
One of the things that I have found that helps is both embracing the dark and the light that I find in this time of year. At night my house goes into full cozy cottage mode as I think of it. We have pretty much all of the lights in the house off. I know right? You would think that more light would help and I know for a lot of people it does. Those Daylight LED bulbs can go a long way to helping. I’ve found that decorating my home with beautiful lights and embracing what they look like in the dark helps.
For instance the Moon above is a little salt lamp that I found recently that has found a home on my desk. It brings the most beautiful glow to my desk in the evening. My desk is located in the living room where strung from my ceiling I have lantern lights.
It goes amazing with these lights that I have strung in my living room. They flicker! We went to visit Earl’s family a year ago and his Mom had these in her front yard. I loved them the moment I saw them. So cozy! So we purchased a set and strung them across our living room. At night I shut off all the lights in the living room and they flicker. It’s like sitting outside with lots of small lanterns.

My tarot table is in the same room. This is our office. It was the original living room in the house. We have a rec area in the basement with a tv. My table has mini LED’s that turn all different colors. The same lights are on the top of my desk as it has a breakfront on it. They also are around the perimeter of the room next to the ceiling. We don’t typically have everything running at the same time. I love the options it gives us. For those of you who get tarot readings with me you likely recognize the lights! 🙂

We have some basic lights in our front yard right now that cast some pretty colors against the house. They look amazing at night. The little branches I got on sale from Costco this year. I was so excited as they are birch and I adore birch.

This is a star from a small strand of lights that is next to my desk. It is nestled over Loki’s small climber and the pictures of the kids.

This is above my bed 🙂 I got it years ago and I love it! It’s great for heat or you can just keep the lights on.
These are just a few of the many many examples. My bathroom has a lantern nightlight. My kitchen has under the counter LED’s that can change colors. At night we have no normal lights on in the house. It is all lit by various decorative lights and I just love it so much. I get to see more of it this time of year and it’s been helping to spin things around for me.
I hope some of these ideas help or inspire you in some way!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong