
Finding the Gifts In Every Day

The energy that we carry in life is incredibly important.  You will find that the energy that you have contributes to what you attract in your life.  For those of you who are gifted intuitives and empaths this is even more important. You are like an energy magnet.  

One habit that is really good to get into is looking for the positive in each day.  Wake up and look out your window to see how beautiful it is.  When you step out of your house take a moment to breathe in the fresh air.  As you go through your day keep looking for those positive moments.  It sounds simple but being conscious of it will raise your vibration attracting more positive things to you in your life. 

Think about how many days you may have had where you can’t even remember half of the day because things are going so fast or that you’ve missed out on important moments.  In doing this you not only will raise your vibration but it’s an exercise in slowing time down as well.  If you think about the extra 30 seconds that it takes to look out the window, take a deep breath, or just a second glance at something amazing in your life, yes they can add up to time taken from your day.  However you will find that when you do this you are more relaxed and able to focus more on the tasks at hand.  More often than not these little exercises that you may perceive to take up too much time can actually help you to gain the extra time you may want in your life.  

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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