Have you ever been walking in the woods and you come to this clearing and it just feels amazing? It’s as if the Earth just opened up this special magickal place just for you? Perhaps it’s because I grew up spending so much time in the woods but whenever I found an opening in the woods, especially one that was in a circle I found it to be the most amazing place. I envisioned people dancing around bonfires, or friends of the forest coming to meet together. I’m trying to remember some of the other things that I visualized!
When I was a teenager, my family moved to the top of a mountain. One of my favorite places was up this winding path where at the top was a clearing with lots of huge rocks. I adore rocks in pretty much any form! I use to sit up there and read, write, do my homework or honestly just enjoy the sounds of the woods around me.
As an adult who loves working with energy, I’ve learned what drew me to those magickal places. It was the energy. They are an amazing place for you to enjoy and practice magick if you get the chance.
When you work with magick one of the early things that you learn is to cast a sacred circle, to establish your safe space. When you are able to have the energy of the Earth add her previous gifts to that circle the energy can be absolutely amazing.
Why would a circle be the strongest? You are standing in the center of that circle and as you turn around that circle you can draw the energy from all the plants and trees around you. It is this amazing energy that will ground you, calm you and rejuvenate your soul. For practicing magick in my opinion it’s one of the best scenarios as it can enhance the energy that you are raising.
Please note that you can achieve a similar effect with stones. You can add them to the forest around you or if you are somewhere else, perhaps a beach, you can arrange them in a circle and they will give you similar grounding and empowering energy.
You can take this a step further and infuse the magick you are working with using other things as well. Working with love, place rose quartz around your circle. Hematite or obsidian for protection, Citrine for positive energy. You can use herbs, stones, candles, pretty much whatever you can think of. If you have it in a circle it will direct the energy towards you. If that circle is within your sacred circle the energy will be that much more powerful. The possibilities are really endless.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Forest Circle Magick