
Childhood Magick

Can you remember back to when you were little? How many of you had a creative imagination and loved playing pretend? I can remember making tea parties in the woods for the fairies and looking for hidden worlds in the forest.  I was convinced that if I set out a tea party for the fairies they would come.  I have been an avid reader my entire life and I think that may have helped to fuel my imagination in my childhood as well.  I remember days tromping through the woods looking for signs of dragons and turning over rocks in the rivers looking for other amazing things or simply following the river to see where it would lead me.

When you are a child you have this amazing imagination and ability to visualize.  Have you ever built a fort in your house made of blankets and pillows and perhaps that’s what it was made of, but to you it was a pirate ship, or maybe a tree house? You could see it,  you could feel it.  It’s that energy that I want you to try to remember today.  That is the energy that you need to remember how to use when you are working with magick.  It’s this amazing ability to visualize and do so with confidence.  

Think about that the next time that you work with a ritual or spell.  Don’t just go through the motions.  You must immerse yourself in the energy of what you are doing and truly believe in what you are doing in order for it to work. 

I hope you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

P.S.  All of the artwork today is from The Firefly Path.  She makes the most unbelievable dresses and accessories.  If you love fantasy you will love her work. She has some amazingly beautiful work. 

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