Growing up I spent a lot of time outside in the woods. One of my favorite things to do was to try to create things out of whatever I found in the woods. Maybe it was to try to build a fort out of sticks, or a beautiful design out of leaves or flowers, a tower out of rocks. The possibilities were absolutely endless and I loved my time out there. There was always something new to discover. Today I have an artist to introduce you to that make the forest more beautiful by building sculptures out of nature and leaving them for people to find. His name is Spencer Byles and he is a wild forest sculptor.
This one reminds me of what I use to try to build! He’s just so much better at it.

Spender is an English artist who currently lives in Borneo Malaysia. He travels around the world working in different locations to create beautiful and natural works of art.

This is one of his more popular designs from a French Forest. Can you imagine coming across this on a walk in the woods? The energy must be incredible.

He uses what he finds in nature and creates his works of art based on the area he is in.

He has several photographers that love working with him and creating beautiful photos that help to document his work.

If you are interested in seeing more of his work and all the various projects he has worked on you can find his website here: Spencer Byles

On his website he details all his projects. He also has some video clips that you can see and a blog so you can see what he is currently working on.
I hope you enjoy his work!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong