Our First Full Moon of 2021!
We just received about an inch of snow and everything just looks amazing. I’m incredibly excited for the Full Moon tonight and hoping the skies are clear. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to see the Full Moon shining across a landscape of snow it’s really incredible. It just lights everything up in the most gorgeous glow.
Tonight we celebrate our Full Moon. Some know the Moon tonight as the Full Wolf Moon. It was known to many as the Wolf Moon as January was the time where food would become scarce for the animals living outside and the wolves would howl moving in closer to the places people were staying looking for food. It is also known as the Cold Moon and the Snow Moon because it’s cold and we are quite likely to have snow in January.
The Wolf is an incredible spirit animal to work with and I hope that many of you will feel the energy of the wolf tonight as it’s some extraordinary energy to work with. The wolf celebrates our independence and what makes us unique and also teaches us how to best mingle with the energy of the world around us. He teaches us how to celebrate who we are while also realizing the valuable energy that we can bring to help others when in group situations. This is definitely some energy that all of us can use right now. He also will help you really connect to your intuition. You will find you are more in tune with the energy around you and if you really pay attention you will likely pick up on more things that you will find helpful on your path. If you are looking to work on your intuition the wolf brings you powerful energy to work with.
Our Full Moon tonight is in Leo and I love that! I just love the energy that Leo brings us and I’m quite happy that this is the energy around us to celebrate our First Full Moon of the year. The mighty Leo brings us energy to help us with courage and confidence. Many of you may remember me telling you that I see 2021 as a year of Self-Empowerment, Love and Freedom. The energy of Leo is really perfect to help grow this energy with the Full Moon tonight.
You are also going to find energy of joy tonight. Light is returning and you will find that the energy that surrounds you now is meant to bring you more happiness and that’s always a good thing. You may find that tension starts to melt away and you are more playful and in the mood to do fun things. Align yourself with this energy. Anytime you have energy that is positive like this you will also find that it can be incredibly healing and I know so many of us can use that healing energy to give us a bit of a boost.
Remember that your actions and decisions create your reality. The ability to make decisions in your life and take control is incredibly empowering. This isn’t a time to hide. It’s time to step into that life and ensure that you are fully enjoying life and living it the way that you want to. If there is something making you unhappy take this energy and work to change it.

The card that I pulled for the Full Moon tonight is the Devil. Make sure that the things you are doing in your life and the things happening in your life are in your best interest. If you know that they aren’t, make those changes. The energy tonight is amazing to help you with that. I’m personally working to kick a soda habit that I let sneak back in over this year. I love it and it’s absolutely horrible for me. I know that it is. That is what I’m releasing so I found it funny that the Devil showed up. You have to make sure that you aren’t sacrificing things in your life or endangering yourself by doing things that aren’t in your best interest. Find things that make you happy and that are fun for you that are in your best interest. This card is letting all of us know that things are changing. We are in a huge time of energy of change and transition. They can’t stay the same. If you focus on those things that you know you need to change you will find more success and then you will be rewarded by forward movement on your path. It’s time to move forward. I keep hearing this phrase for all of us. Are you ready? Make sure you prioritize your health and personal well-being. Sending you all so much love.
Have an amazing Full Moon!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. If you haven’t ordered the First Full Moon of 2021 Tarot Reading yet, this is your last chance!