ArticlesFull Moon

Full Moon Blessings!

Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2022! Tonight is our Full Wolf Moon.  The Wolf is a lifetime spirit animal for me that I become aware of quite a long time ago now.  The wolf brings you some really important energy that is meant to help you to learn more about yourself and how you fit into the world around you.  The wolf can help you discover where you can make changes in your life to find more freedom and helps you to understand what empowers you in life making you stronger in your journey.  All of these things I find present in our Full Moon this evening.  The Wolf Moon received that name as this was the time it was easier to hear wolves howling in the night. 

It’s also known as the Full Cold Moon as it is one of the coldest times of the year.  Here in Massachusetts, we have definitely been getting a dose of that over the last several days.  It’s been in the single digits and below zero with the wind.  Last night we had a snowstorm come in that brought us some snow and ice. I’m looking forward to seeing the Full Moon lighting up the snow tonight if the storm moves out and it clears up.  The other night the Moon made our entire yard glow on the snow that we still have.  It’s incredible how light it can be at night when you have a Full Moon on snow.  It’s beautiful and one of the things that I look forward to with the Moons in Winter.

Our Full Moon is in Cancer this evening bringing us some wonderful energy that is going to help you to get more in touch with your emotions and how you are feeling about things. It’s a great night to check in with yourself.  For those of you that are sensitive to the Full Moon energy you will find that you are particularly vulnerable tonight so keep that in mind and be sure to spend a bit of extra time grounding and shielding. 

I’ve been finding a lot of messages in music lately.  It’s one connection that I’ve always have but it’s been particularly strong lately.  Those of you I’ve been reading the cards for may have had me give you information from songs during your readings in addition to the cards.  It can be a lot of fun.  As I started this article the song Courage by Pink came on.  That one lyric just came on over and over “Have I the courage to change.”  It’s important.  You can have the energy of change all around you and if you fight that change or you aren’t ready for it, it will only go so far.  It takes courage to change.  So tonight think about those changes that you need to make in your life and ask yourself if you have the courage to change.   This is a powerful night for reflection and energy that will help to give you a strong foundation in 2022. Work with this energy and be sure to contribute your energy to let the Universe know what you wish to see this year.

I hope that you have an amazingly magickal night!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Join me on Moonsong Daily Magick for a Moonstone Full Moon Ritual that you can do on your own tonight! You will receive Daily Magick each morning in your email to start each day with magick.

P.S. Today is the last day to order the First Full Moon of 2022 Reading!

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