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Full Moon Blessings!

Welcome to our Full Moon for May! Our Moon this month is known as the Full Flower Moon.  I bet a lot of you can guess how it got it’s name.  One of the things that I’ve been loving recently is going for walks and drives to see all the beautiful flowers everywhere.  My yard is in full bloom with purple daisies and yellow buttercups everywhere.  We have Dandelions as well but our resident bunnies make it so that we don’t see those as much. šŸ™‚  We are just starting to get the deck garden going.  I know you are likely seeing the beautiful flowers all around you as well.  You can really do a lot with the energy from a Full Flower Moon. It’s a great time to really work on growing the things that you’ve been wanting or wanting to see in your life.

I have so much information to share with you about the Full Moon and the changes it is bringing your way plus some photos of an old New England cemetery that I stumbled across yesterday in Moonsong Daily Magick tomorrow! I also am including a spell that you can use for the Full Moon tomorrow. I would love to have you join me!

The Full Moon Tarot Messages are open now and will be delivered tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the last day to order the May Full Moon reading! It’s 20% off for you right now!

Are you with me on Patreon? If you are I published the spell for tomorrow there today so that you have access a day early!

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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