Many of you know that I am a huge fan of art and music and I always encourage you to involve it in your life and in your magick. When you have a hobby in art or music you will find that you always have a way to express yourself. In doing so you make sure that your throat chakra is always open and it will help you with communication in your life.
The time you spend being creative is time that is grounding. There are so many different ways to ground and center in life but if I’m being honest I have found none so effective as having a beautiful creative outlet in art and music. I’ve found the more comfortable you are with whatever you have chose the more effective it is. Have you ever had something creative like singing, painting or writing that you can just get so into that time appears to blink by? Have you ever noticed that after you will feel absolutely amazing? The reason for that is energy. When you are in that state your body naturally heals itself by removing energy that is not in your best interest. As it rids itself of that energy it replaces it with energy of creativity and love that you are using with your heart and soul as you create the piece of art that you are working on. It’s really a profound process to work with.
If you are an empath I cannot recommend finding a hobby in art or in several types of art if you can. You will find that it will do wonders for your heart and soul. I’m a different person when I have that time I need to create either through drawing, painting, singing, playing a musical instrument or even doing sticker mosaics or simply coloring on my phone! You don’t need to be a modern day Picasso you just need to find what works for you and what you truly love. You may find that you have a deep love of color by number and the smell of a beautiful set of crayons to go with it. Whatever you choose, make it something that you love. Make sure it’s something that as you work with it more and more you become more comfortable with it.
As you progress with your hobby you may find that you are able to incorporate it into your magickal practices as you go. For instance making a special Samhain painting on Samhain night, or going out to sing under the Moon at Beltane. Maybe you wish to dance in the first rain of Spring. Whatever you choose there will be ways that you can use it to honor your path throughout the year. Look for different ways to incorporate it into your path and raise the magickal energy of your life as you go along.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Getting Lost In the Magick of Art