Happy Holidays!!
First, let me say that I hope you and your loved ones, friends and fur babies have the most wonderful holiday and I wish you blessings of health, love and happiness now and for the new year. It’s coming up so fast!
Last night I got the holiday reset that I felt I needed. I do really enjoy this time of year but I always feel like something is missing and last night I feel like I found a bit of that. We spent most of the day at Edith Wharton’s home in Lenox. There’s something about spending the day at an author’s home in New England that is always refreshing. We are lucky to have so many out here. We had a beautiful daytime tour of her home and came back at night for Nightwood. Nightwood is unlike anything that I have ever been blessed to be a part of. I’ll be honest I knew it was a holiday walk so I was expecting Jingle Bells, blinking snowflakes and such. What I walked into was just so incredibly refreshing. It honestly felt more like Yule than anything and I was immediately at home.
Beautiful white, blues, and purples were the dominant color scheme of the night while this relaxing music played. Lights pulsed in time to the music creating this serene, mystical experience. I created a reel that combines four of the areas on the walk into one so that you can see it. It’s incredibly hard to describe. Nightwood

Tiki torches lined the entire path. This is the first area that I came upon. Those blue lights that you see on the trees look a bit like shells or large butterfly wings, they change colors and the lights go with the music. It’s the first scene that you see in the video that I made for you.
The entire journey was about 3/4 of a mile and I fully intend to return next year with the kids. It was just incredible. If you live within driving distance, I recommend it as well as the tour of her house during the day. You can find it here: Edith Wharton: The Mount
I just wanted to check in and share the story with you and wish you so much love and happiness with your family this holiday season. Don’t forget to look for the magick around you.
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong