
Happy Witch’s New Year!

Happy Witch’s New Year!

A year of beauty. A year of plenty.
A year of planting. A year of harvest.
A year of forests. A year of healing.
A year of vision. A year of passion.
A year of rebirth.

This year may we renew the earth.
This year may we renew the earth.

Let it begin with each step we take.
And let it begin with each change we make.
And let it begin with each chain we break.
And let it begin every time we awake.

–Chant from the Reclaiming Samhain Celebration – Starhawk

Have a magickal day today on your first day of the Witch’s New Year!

P.S. Only one more day to order your Witch’s New Year Tarot Reading or your November Tarot Forecast! On Samhain each year we also celebrate our Witch’s New Year. It’s a powerful time to work with the energy to manifest what you want in the coming year. This reading to help you find out what you need to know as you move into your Witch’s New Year. I’ve created options for this reading for you as always. You can combine the Witch’s New Year reading with the Astrological reading for a power packed New Year’s reading.  This will give you a complete snapshot of where you currently are on your path. Enjoy!

****Combined readings will receive 2 bonus Oracle Cards******

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