
Honor Your Inner Child


Think back to the days when you were young.  Yes I know, we are all still young right? I want you to think back to the days of your childhood. 

What games did you play? What were your favorite things to do? What were the things that captivated your interests the most.  What were your dreams? 

Spend a bit of time today with your childhood self.  Sift back through memories and try to figure out the answers to some of these questions.  If you have pictures or other trinkets from your childhood bring them out to help you with these exercises.

As you work through your memories see if any of the energy from your childhood is still with you today.  You will know by the way you respond to things and by the things that have stayed with you.  For example when I was young I could never get enough of the twinkling stars at night, or the crash of an ocean wave, running around barefoot, or curling up under a tree with a good book or a sketchbook.  As an adult those things that I loved then still are with me today.

By revisiting your childhood it helps you to learn more about who you are today. You will find that you can identify those things that were important to you early on and those things that have followed you through your life.  

For those of you who are gifted as I know several of you are.  I want you to try to remember how your gifts impacted you when you were little. The stories I could tell you!   I know I had my Mother scared on more than one occasion.  Think about how your gifts were received by you, those around you if they knew and how they impacted your life as you moved forward in life.  This can give you important information about how you work with your gifts today.  

I think a lot of us remember the good times of childhood but you perhaps forget how much important and useful information is contained during that time. It was a tremendous period of growth in our lives.  Revisiting that time gives you information that you will find helpful now and helpful moving forward into the future.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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