At Christmas time in Italy and around the world you may find statues of an old woman with a broom bearing resemblance to a witch. Most likely you have found a figure of La Befana the woman known as the Kind Hearted Witch in Italy.
In Italy they celebrate Epiphamy, the official end to the holiday season on the 6th of January. The night before Epiphamy is a night of excitement for some children in Italy. It is the night that La Befana comes. She is a witch that brings gifts and treats to the children if they were good. If they weren’t good they may find that they wake up in the morning to a lump of coal instead of a gift. In another Italian legend they leave out their stocking for her and she will fill them with candy and treats. Sounds familiar right?
Many believe that the legend of La Befana originates from the Roman Goddess Strenia. Strenia or Strenua is the Goddess of the New Year, well being and purification. It was said that she use to bring figs, dates and honey for the new year.
In Italy they often bake cakes for her during this time of year. If you search Italian cakes for La Befana you will find a lot of different recipes to choose from.
I hope that you have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
La Befana – The Kind Hearted Witch