
Magickal Energy of City Nights

Many of you know that I’m a country witch living in New England.  I’m surrounded by fields, woods and lots of streams.  However that doesn’t mean that I haven’t spent time in the city and while I love the magick of the country, the city has a different kind of magickal energy that I just adore. 

Last Summer I was lucky enough to spend an entire week in New York City. I have spent a lot of nights in Boston and other cities up and down the East Coast of the United States like Philadelphia and Washington D.C.  Each city has it’s own history, energy and unique magick to be found and that’s something that I just adore.

One of the things that I find that contributes to the magickal energy of a city is all the lights.  Lights from stores, landscaping around the city or personal lights from peoples homes make beautiful colors light up the streets and night sky really transforming what a city looks like as the sun goes down. 

As you walk through the city you will find the energy constantly shifting as you pick up energy from homes that you are walking by, parks that you are walking through, monuments with special meaning or other favorite places in the city that love to hold onto energy.  If you take your time exploring and looking for energy you can feel how it moves, transforms and ultimately changes as you move through the city. 

Just as there is shifting energy throughout a city you will also find that different cities have different energy.  The age of a city can contribute to it’s history if it’s full of historical energy or perhaps it’s one that is full of wonderful new and modern energy as it’s a newer city.  As you move through the city you will become familiar with pockets of magickal energy. Perhaps they will become places that you wish to work with the energy.  Other places may be just a place that you enjoy passing through.  You will also find that those same places may take on a completely different energy during the day.  Don’t be afraid to explore, experiment and discover all the wonderful energy that cities have waiting for you.

I hope that you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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