
Magickal Nature Journal

When I wrote the title of this article today, I wrote that it was a journey instead of a journal and perhaps that is just the word that I want to use for the activity that I have for you today.  Are you ready for a journey into nature?

As a witch, I find that the more time I spend in nature the more aware I am of my energetic surroundings and the more capable I am of controlling my personal energy and the work that I am doing with energy.  Nature is healing, nourishing, and grounding and I know for many it’s time that is incredibly beneficial.

Today I have a long-term project for you that I would encourage you to do daily or however often you can create the time to do it.  Choose a journal for yourself that you wish to work with over the coming days, weeks, and months.  Each day go out into nature and choose one tree, flower, or another plant that calls to you.  Write it down in your journal.  Draw a picture of it and write a description of what you are seeing. Remember to leave it where it is. Take with you what you recorded in your journal and perhaps a picture or two on your phone or a camera if you feel called to do so.  It would make an amazing photographic journey as well.  Don’t forget to write down what energy you feel from this plant.  Spend a bit of time looking at it and trying to sense the energy of the plant.  What type of energy are you sensing from it? See what you can pick up from the plant.

The next step is to identify the plant.  There are several apps that are available now that can help you with that.  Plant Snap is one example of an app that you can use.  You may also find that you can describe it or put a photo that you have taken into Google to find the results.  Make sure you write down what it is in your journal.

Finally, look up your new plant or tree friend with the word metaphysical energy after it and see what comes up.  You may find that your plant brings you the energy that you needed that day or energy that you were seeking.  While this may not work for all plants you would be amazed at how many it will work with.  It will be a lot of fun to see if your intuition draws you to the plants that you need.

Have fun with it!

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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