One of the things that I love about this year is my deck garden. So much joy in all the plants that we are caring for and the plants that I’m starting from seeds. The flower above is of the many that I’ve been working with on my deck. 🙂 As many of you can see and sense, there is life blooming all around us in the world around us. A great way to align yourself with that energy and to help things to blossom in your life is to choose a plant friend to work with.
Today find a plant somewhere that you want to work with or a package of seeds. Give your plant a name! Decorate the pot that it’s in. This is your special plant friend. Find out what it likes for sun, water, and extra nutrients, and commit to working with the energy of this plant. Relationships with nature are wonderful ways to enhance the energy around you in your life. You help bring them life and they give you loving energy. 🙂 Have fun with this!
On the night of the New Moon, you can tuck a wish under your plant pot if you want. 🙂 Please note that this doesn’t have to be an indoor plant, this can also be a plant, tree, or bush that you want to put in your yard. What matters is your commitment to its care and visiting it. The best part you may find is visiting it. 🙂
Have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Make a New Plant Friend