
Magickal Gardening

The other day on the Make a Plant Friend Article I told you that we just got the deck garden going a few days ago and I promised to share some pictures.  Those of you who have been with me for a while may remember this starting with the rack you see in the picture. I was cleaning out my house and no longer had a place for it. I was going to put it out for free and then I saw the potential in the deck.  So I now have three racks out there and a pretty large deck garden going. We found a couple of more for free. 🙂  I will grab pictures of everything when it’s all set and everything has come in.

Today I wanted to just give you some tips on what I do to make this area a bit more magickal.  My Grandmother loved marigolds and they bloom most of the garden season here so you will always find that they have a strong presence in my yard.  You can see a Moon wind chime in the front.  This is a really old wind chime.  I have always found that they have the most wonderful energy and often help to bring the energy of air and that dreamy energy that air can bring to the garden.  The little Moon with the star that you see behind it lights up at night.  One of the things that I love to do is to make it so that the night has magick as well. So I often find little solar lights that I can tuck in places to make soft glowing areas in the yard at night.  This year we added some sunflower solar lights that light up most of the rack. I also have these blue fairy lights that come on at night around the garden.  I’ll take a video of it at night for you one night.

Often when you travel you want to collect souvenirs and I love doing that as well. However, I have a small house and there is only so much room.  Something else that my family does is come home with things that we find on our trips like rocks, shells, sea glass, and driftwood.  These items can go in gardens, pots, and around the yard to make things a bit more magickal. You can see a rock to the right of the purple pot, and a beautiful flat stone leaning against one of the steps that we brought home from an adventure.   They have the energy from the trips that we’ve been on so it helps to infuse our home with the loving energy from those trips. 

As you know bees are always a huge concern of mine so I have a lot of plants for them. The hummingbirds and butterflies have also been spending a lot of time on the deck lately and I love that. The wonderful thing about the deck is that it helps to deter some of the critters that we were having issues within the main garden like deer.  I’ll have more pictures for you soon! For today though some ideas that you can add to help increase the magickal energy in your gardens or magickal spaces.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many  Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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