
Muriel, Angel of Emotions

Merry Meet,

I have been doing some work with the angels lately and have found their presence to be comforting and uplifting. I work with a few angel tarot card decks. When I started working with these cards it seemed to swing open the door of communication for me.

A few nights ago I was sitting on the couch by myself pondering life….and I sensed a presence with me. It felt a bit different than my guides, and it didn’t feel like an entity. The best I can think of to describe the initial sensation was light and tingling. It was a very warm loving feeling. I was then given the name Muriel. I was told that I could call on her for extra emotional support. I actually felt like I had two wings wrap about me from behind and hold me in a protective hug. It was quite an emotional experience for me. I have since taken to exploring more about her and calling on her during any emotional times for extra protection and guidance. Her presence is like an additional shield for me and I am very grateful for her presence.

I am still quite new at working with angels. From time to time I will be given a name of whom I’m working with and I must confess I will typically jump to google within a few days to learn what I can. I usually try to wait a few days as I’m one who loves additional validation for myself. I will try to gather whatever details I can first, and then validate them on google. So of course I wanted to find out all I could about Muriel.

There’s really not a whole lot of information on Muriel online. The first time I googled her name I found that she was the Angel of Emotions. Being an empath this jumped out at me in one of those aha! moments. Her presence has helped me to become stronger emotionally, and calmer. The best way I can think of to describe it is by the sensation of her wings around me. It is an amazing feeling knowing that I have someone with me to help comfort me and find my way through this life. I was told all I have to do is ask. I am looking to heal emotions from my past, and those items that are blocking me from my gifts true potential.

Muriel’s name means “God’s Perfume”. She is the Angel for the month of June and the sign of Cancer. Muriel is the angel who helps us get in touch with our deepest emotions. She will help to find your “true self” and become comfortable with who you are in this life. You are able to release any painful emotions to her so that you may heal yourself and see the world more clearly without the bias of any pain you may be carrying from your past or past lives. In doing so it also allows you to open your heart to love openly. It is said that she can help you to love unconditionally.

Muriel is an angel who is wonderful to work with for those of us who are looking to make a difference in the world around us. It is very beneficial for those of us who are lightworkers and healers to work with her as she helps to lead us to those in need and guides us with how to best offer healing and emotional support while keeping us strong. Muriel is known to help connect us to our destiny.

If anyone has any additional information or experiences with Muriel I would love to hear them!

Love and Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

ps. I love to play with graphics, the one here I made tonight. Hope you like it.

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