ArticlesPast Lives

My Past Life Regression Experience 

In the general newsletter yesterday I ran a quick article on Exploring Past Lives. I included a copy of it above. Several of you wrote to me about the experience I had with Past Life Regression wanting to know more so I thought I would dig into it a bit with you today.

I had it done over twenty years ago now. It’s baffling to me as it feels like it was just a few years ago.  It was in the first couple of years that I had decided to start acknowledging my gifts and learning all I could about them. I was continually being told that I was an old soul and that I was carrying some tough past life karmic energy so I decided to go digging into it.  I’m lucky enough to live in a state that doesn’t have a shortage of New Age shops.  If you know where to look you can find them.  There was a shop… I think it was a couple of hours or so from me that did Past Life Regressions, so as a treat I took myself on a day trip to go get it done. I was incredibly nervous as I really had no idea what I was in for.  I was so excited though.

When I got there I checked in and spent some time browsing around the shop trying to calm my nerves. I remember that once I got there I felt calm pretty quickly. Perhaps all those stones in the shop and the amazing smell.  A lady came to get me and led me up a set of stairs into what I think I remember as being the attic of the shop.  It was a single room, a bit darker and there wasn’t a lot up there.  There was a sitting area with a couch and some comfy chairs.  I sat down talking to her for a few minutes. I think she knew I was nervous.  She picked up quickly that I was a psychic and that I had the gift of sight. I was floored.  I’ve had people know that before but she knew so fast. She told me that it would make the experience a bit easier for me.

She asked me to get comfy and lay down on the couch.  From there we did some meditation exercises that I don’t specifically remember to help me to relax.  She then brought me on what I would essentially call a guided meditation.  She asked me questions and basically did the past life regression myself. It was my first experience with this and I remember it being quite vivid. I was completely relaxed.  I would describe it as being similar to lucid dreaming. I was deeply relaxed but was very aware of her and everything going on.  I don’t remember everything from that day but I do remember a few key things.  The first life that I saw was a challenging life.  I was in a bad marriage with a man who definitely didn’t love me. I can still see the old house on the hill that I saw that day.  He was wealthy.  I was in the way I remember that. It’s funny how vivid some of the memories of the things I saw in that regression were.  I was taken for a carriage ride down to a place that I loved and there was a small bridge with a brook.  It wasn’t an elaborate bridge.  I knew something wasn’t right.  I saw his eyes as he strangled me with his hands and I remember being upset as I tried to fight and then finally gave into it knowing there was nothing I could do. 

One of the things that a lot of you asked me was if this was scary. It wasn’t at all.  I would describe it like seeing a movie? It was intense… I could see it and sort of feel it.. but I was also very aware that I was on that couch and safe and I remember her telling me that and pulling me back a bit.  What I loved about this though is it helped to explain why I can’t handle anything around my throat.  If there is anything there like a scarf it has to be loose. I also have trouble with anxiety about dying early and not being able to breathe.  Interesting right? Knowing that’s where it comes from, I found helpful.

 We explored at least one more life on that day… I don’t remember a whole lot about it except that the place felt so familiar and comforting. It looks similar to the house in the picture above.  My guess is that it’s somewhere in Europe.  It’s a white house with a thatched roof near the edge of a cliff that overlooks the ocean. It’s a small cottage… one room. Nothing fancy. I was a healer in that life and I had a lot of people come to see me for help. The love of the ocean as well as being a healer are both soul level traits for me.  Soul level traits are those traits that you carry to each lifetime with you.

So how do Past Life Regressions differ from readings? With a regression the reader will guide you.  She had an easier time with mine as I can see really well.  The purpose is to relax you though and to see if you can see things from a past life.  When I do Past Life Readings for you, I can see the life that you lived.  It’s like watching a movie. That’s the best way I can think of to describe it. It’s something that I really love doing. I find them so interesting.  I hope that helps!

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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