Over the years I have come to love my gardens more and more. Each year I look forward to the return of several herbs and I intentionally plant several of them. One question that I get asked frequently is what herbs I grow in my garden or what herbs would I recommend growing. Your location is going to help determine what herbs will grow best for you. I can give you my top 10 herbs that I love growing here in New England.
Lavender – Lavender is my absolute favorite. I can never have enough lavender around and I have several planted in various locations around my yard. Here in New England, it’s a coin toss on if they will return. If the winters aren’t too harsh I can look forward to their return in the Spring. I had two lavender plants that managed to make it over ten years here. I adore the smell and use it in incense burners in the house, baths, sachets, and wherever else I can sneak a bit in. Magickal properties for this herb include cleansing, happiness, healing, sleep, peace and purification. Lavender is actually a masculine herb that corresponds to the planet Mercury and the Air element. I love a combination of lavender and rosemary water or lavender and white sage as a spritz for added protection and cleansing.
Chives – This herb is one of the most popular herbs in my garden and I have a couple of varieties including a garlic chive. My children will like to pull off little pieces of it and nibble on it during the summer months. They always bring some in for me to incorporate into my cooking as well. It can be used almost anywhere that you would love a bit of onion or garlic. Magickal properties of chives include protection and weight loss. It can be helpful for colds, flu, and congestion. My chives are one of the first to come back each year. We usually put a pane of glass over them in the winter as it helps them to return early.
Sage – So I must confess that I am not the biggest fan of sage for culinary use. However, I do love working with white sage in magick. It’s wonderful to work with. It is not a big fan of living in New England. For those of you who live in warmer and dryer climates, this herb would prefer to live with you. I just want to note that you can use any type of sage for cleansing, it does not have to be white sage. I’ve had some other beautiful varieties in here. Oh! I cannot forget Pineapple Sage! I seek it out every year. It gets absolutely huge and makes the most wonderfully refreshing tea. Magickal properties for sage include cleansing, wisdom, immortality, and protection. Sage can be really soothing in a tea when you have respiratory or throat issues. Sage is a masculine herb the corresponds to the planet Jupiter and the Air element.
Basil – I do believe the Italian side of me is what contributes to my deep love of basil. The smell is just so good! This is an herb I incorporate into my cooking quite frequently in the summer. It’s also a favorite in my tea. This is one that I dry in the fall and have stored in Mason Jars to go through the cooler months. You can use it in teas, sauces, pizzas, to flavor chicken and anywhere else that you would love a bit of the fresh taste of basil. Magickal properties for Basil include love, exorcism, wealth, flying, and protection. It is said that if you carry basil in your pockets it will bring you wealth. It can also be used in a purification bath. Basil is a masculine herb that corresponds to the planet Mars and the Fire Element.
Mint – You can find so many different varieties of mint out there. I have several different kinds in my garden and throughout my yard. Take caution though, as this is an herb that spreads quickly. I personally am having fun growing large patches of all different types around my yard. However, if this is not something you want be sure to put it in a container that is above ground. I once had apple mint with a wooden planter box. The apple mint jumped the box and now lines the little stream in my backyard. I’m thrilled with it, however, I must confess it was not the original plan. Mint gets heavy use in my house all year long. During the Summer months, it’s always used in teas and to flavor water. Our favorites are the Apple Mint and the chocolate mint. For those of you who are Daily Magick subscribers, you’ve heard me tell you how excited I am about it over the last couple of years. It took me years to get it to grow and now it is absolutely thriving in my yard. I have several healthy patches and it’s really pretty. Magickal properties for Mint include Money, Healing, and Protection. Mint is a masculine herb that corresponds to the Planet Mercury and the Air Element.
Oregano – Oregano is another herb I use fairly frequently when cooking. I was surprised to have a large beautiful patch of it come back for me this Spring. It’s the first year that has happened and I’m looking forward to working more with it this Summer as it’s thriving this year. Its magickal properties include happiness, tranquility, harmony, love, protection, and psychic development. Oregano corresponds to the planet Venus and the Air element.
Rosemary – This is an herb that you tend to find in a lot of rituals and spell work. It is used a lot in protection work. Magickal properties for rosemary include cleansing, courage, knowledge and protection.
Lemon Balm – Another frequent addition to our water. Lemon Balm is just amazing. It can be used as a substitute for lemon in a lot of your dishes. It also makes the most amazing tea. The variety that we have here right now originated in California. It had a tough year the last two years but seems to be coming back a bit stronger this year. The smell is just so good. Magickal properties include romance, purification and cleansing. It is a very calming herb. If you have anxiety or a lot of stress this is a great herb to work with. Lemon Balm corresponds to the planet Venus.
Lemon Verbena – I absolutely adore the way this plant smells. Lemon Verbena has such a long history of being used for medicinal purposes. It’s used for colds, respiratory issues, anxiety, indigestion and so many other things. This is a great one to put in a mini crockpot and let simmer on your counter. It will make your house smell amazing. Lemon Verbena’s magickal uses include purification and love. It is said if you wear this herb on you it will attract the opposite sex. It can be used in baths for purification. It is a masculine herb that corresponds to the planet Mercury and the Air element.
Agastache or Anise Hyssop – This is an herb that I added to my collection several years ago and it’s one that I make sure we have every year. The leaves have the most wonderful licorice flavor when you use them in teas. It grows to be around three feet tall and has the most beautiful purple flowers in the summer months that the bees absolutely adore. It is a member of the mint family and can spread. Here in New England, I’ve found it quite easy to contain however I can’t speak to how it would do in some warmer climates. It seems to not be a big fan of the cold winters here. I do know that it is drought-resistant. It can be used for congestion, to aid in respiratory and digestive issues and to help with depression among many other uses. In magick it is wonderful for protection, cleansing and healing.
I have a few more herbs in my garden, Thyme, Chamomile, Stevia, Patchouli, Cilantro and I’m sure there are a couple of others that I’m forgetting. These are the ones I use the most frequently though.
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
My Top 10 Herbs

2 thoughts on “My Top 10 Herbs”
Thank you for this! As well as providing awesome details, I was amused, and pleased to see that so many are associated with the Air element. As a Libra I’m always on the lookout for anything and everything Air related.
Blessed be. May your mason jars be overflowing this season ♡
That’s so interesting! I didn’t even notice that. <3 Thank you so much for stopping by! I love the Mason Jar blessing as well. My kitchen is filled with them. I hope you have a magickal day. Many Blessings, Jasmeine