
Natural Spray to Help Protect Your Garden

As many of you know we have several gardens here and we’ve been working on adding bulbs to the yard as well.  We just picked up some Star Lily bulbs to plant in the coming weeks that will come up late Summer.  I’m incredibly excited about them.

Last year we had some issues with the animals in our yard like chipmunks, squirrels and voles.  If you’ve never heard of a vole neither had I until they started completely destroying my garden two years ago.  They are a bit like a mini mole and are absolutely terrible as they are so destructive.  They just chew paths and they wiped out almost our whole garden last year. 

We love watching the wildlife in our area like the deer, foxes and chipmunks in our yard not to mention the hawks and the eagle.  However we still wanted our gardens! Frustration hit with Earl after the chipmunks dug up every single sunflower he planted except for two.  For those of you who were with me last year you will likely remember the huge sunflower that we were so proud of? What you didn’t know was that was one of the few seeds to survive out of 70. 

Clearly something had to be done but we didn’t want to use chemicals that could be fatal for one or more of the animals in our area.  Earl came up with the perfect solution.  Jalapeno spray. It’s incredibly effective and while they won’t like it, it won’t harm them, they just won’t go near it.  

What You Need
 – pot with a lid
 – jalapenos

It’s incredibly easy to make. You can use fresh or dried jalapenos.  We used fresh jalapenos to make ours as they were in season.  Cut the jalapenos in half and add two or three of them to a sauce pan full of water. 

Make sure that your pot has a secure lid as the fumes from making this can be incredibly strong and you do not want them in your house. If you have a grill outside I would highly recommend it. 

All you do is add the jalapenos to the water and let it boil with the lid on until the water takes on a green tinge.  When it is done shut the heat off and remove the pot from the heat.  Leave it covered for a couple of hours until it has cooled.  Once it has cooled strain the jalapenos out of it and pour the remaining liquid into a spray bottle. 

Use the spray on the dirt above where you have planted your bulbs or seeds and they will not dig them up.   You can spray it around your garden perimeter to help keep animals away.  We use ours around the foundation of our home as well.  You can spray it on most plants as it is safe.  Always test a small area first just to be sure as we’ve only used it on the plants we have here.  Make sure that you spray it early morning when it is cool or preferably after the sun has gone down.  

The spray will last a few days or until it rains.  We used it towards the end of the year and had amazing success with it.  We will definitely be using it all this year. 

I hope you enjoy it!

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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