I usually watch a show before I go to sleep at night. I find it relaxes me and sometimes I even fall asleep during it. Last night it was just beautiful out. We had some rain throughout the day and as the temperatures started to drop at night and we opened the window to let in the cooler breezes the smell just made me want to go outside. As I looked out my window I noticed the fireflies dancing around in the night outside my window. At night this time of year when you look out the windows you can just see them flickering…. Earl has done a lot over the years to bring them into the yard so when you sit on the deck in the back it’s a bit of a magickal wonderland.
Then came the peep of a loan peeper still looking for their perfect mate… an owl off in the distance… a bit of lightning in the sky over the mountain…
We decided to go out for a drive last night to look for fireflies over all the fields. They especially love when it’s damp out and it was the perfect night for it. I tried to get a video for you at one of the fields that we stopped at. You can hear the frogs in the distance. They were also hopping everywhere last night. You can see the video here: https://www.facebook.com/WiccanMoonsong/videos/1285127445729662 It’s never as good as being in person but for those of you who don’t have fireflies you can see them a bit in the video. 🙂
I awoke this morning to these birds that I only hear when I wake up early in the morning. Their cheery sound was a welcome beginning to my morning. The smell of the earth from my garden that’s near my bedroom rose to greet me. I looked outside to see a soft breeze blowing across the clovers in our yard and a beautiful bright blue sky.
I love Summer.
Have a magickal day today. Look for the beauty in the world around you.
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Nature’s Show