
New England Peace Pagoda

On Sunday I had the opportunity to visit the New England Peace Pagoda.  We almost didn’t make it as there was rain and thunderstorms on the way, but I’m so happy that we did!  What a beautiful place. 

When we go there we were met with this sign.

“Welcome to the New England Peace Pagoda. This is the first Peace Pagoda to rise in North America. Inaugurated in 1985 as a visible form of prayer for inseparable peace in the world and within the minds of all humanity. Help us to preserve the natural setting by walking up to the Peace Pagoda.”

This was the next sign at the bottom of the trail. I definitely think it was more than 1/8th of a mile! It was a pretty walk through the woods though and a lot of people had taken the time to stack stones into little towers along the trail.

If you look into the center of the picture, as you walk up the path you are met by the first monument.

This is what it says:

1930 – 1997

Executive Director of the Massachusetts Commission on Indian Affairs

“We, the people originally living on this land we call Turtle Island, are joyful to see that People have come here today with a true thought in mind of Love and being able to share the great gift of Love to all the People in the world and the idea for Peace.”
Words of Slow Turtle excerpted from his Message of Welcome at the Inauguration of the Peace Pagoda, Oct. 5, 1985. Slow Turtle met the Most Ven. Nichidatsu Fujii, Founder and Teacher of Nipponzan Myohoji, in September 1983, at the Inauguration of the Vienna Peace Pagoda.

There he invited Fujii Guruji to build Peace Pagodas on Turtle Island in order to help change the spirit of the dominant culture from violence to peace. Fujii Guruji immediately came for a land blessing ceremony; Pagoda construction began in early 1984. Slow Turtle helped the physical construction of this first Peace Pagoda in North America – Turtle Island – and he opened the Inaugural Ceremony in October 1985 with the words of welcome which are reproduced on the reverse side of this stone.
We share his words that all may feel his welcome and contemplate its significance for Peace and Love for all the People and the sacred Land Slow Turtle also came to the annual ceremonies for the Pagoda, generously sharing Indigenous spiritual teachings for all attendees.

Our gratitude is eternal.”

As you walk up the path towards the Pagoda you will find the Peace Gardens to your right. 🙂

There is a little lake that has the most beautiful flowers everywhere.

One of my favorite places was the Tree of Peace to the right of the Peace Garden.

At the entry to this little area with a tree and benches in a circle around it was this stone. 🙂 You can also see it was really really wet on Sunday! There were huge puddles everywhere.

The Tree of Peace was planted by Chief Jake Swamp of the Mohawk Tribe.  He planted the tree and prayed that it would have a strong foundation and bring an everlasting tradition of peace.  He chose a White Pine Tree because it was found in abundance in precolonial times, and White Pine is symbolic of lasting peace.   He hoped that the Pine Tree would bring health and wellness to the young people to come and that it that it would help enhance our ability to nurture peace.  He envisioned a world where all were equal.  He planted the trees with children all over Turtle Island.  He prayed that the trees on the island would remain healthy for at least 7 generations to come.

This is a closer view of the little pond that is in the peace garden.  You can see the Pagoda in the background.

I love all the cat tails. 

There were the prettiest flowers everywhere.

We then walked in the grass around the Pagoda. 

I tried to take pictures of all the different sides for you. 🙂

You can walk up on the Pagoda as well if you want to.

It’s a really beautiful place to visit! If you live in the area I highly recommend it!   You can find their website here if you would like more information.  New England Peace Pagoda.

I hope that you have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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