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Signs That Are Signs

We talk about signs from our Spirit Guides all the time.  How many of you have noticed that sometimes they will send you actual signs….as in .. a stop sign… or a turtle crossing sign?   This came up in one of the readings that I did today and I wanted to bring it here for all of you as it is a way that I’ve had my guides pass signs on to me before. 

We pass so many signs on a day-to-day basis, traffic signs, signs on businesses, notices at the places we work and frequent, they are absolutely everywhere.  Most of the time we see so many they just blend in.  Then every once in a while you will have one just jump out at you. The one that I was thinking of today was a wooden sign that had a turtle crossing it to let you know that you were at a place where turtles like to cross.  Something that perhaps you might drive or walk by without paying much attention.  However…it may also be letting you know that the turtle is working with you.

My favorites are the ones that seem to be in the middle of nowhere for no reason. I can’t tell you how many signs I have come across in the woods.  Often they will be old names of places or people.  I’ve always found them to be interesting.  Sometimes they mean absolutely nothing.  Other times they give me pause.  The tin sign I found in the  middle of nowhere said “Wait here.”  I stood there for a bit wondering what it was doing there to have a Hawk fly above me and land in a tree.  This was many years ago when I was out on a day that I needed some air so it was a welcome sign.  It let me know I wasn’t alone.  On another occasion, I was out hiking in the woods with my children.  We were pretty far out there and I found a Happy Birthday balloon just sitting on the path.  It was mostly deflated so it was barely up off the ground.  It was the day before my birthday.  Ok arguably that may not qualify as a sign… I just wanted to include it as it was written on an object in the middle of the woods. 

There is a sign up the road from me that leads through this beautiful stretch of woods with E.T. telling you to buckle up.

E.T. Progressive Signs

I just love that he is right at the beginning of an area that I love.  For those of you who have been with me for a while, he is right next to that reservation that we love that I told you about.

While they don’t always have to have huge meaning they can call your attention to things and there have been some that I know I was meant to see.  It’s something to keep an eye out for in your day-to-day life!

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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