New Moon Blessings!
How are you? I do hope that things are going well for all of you and I wanted to take a moment to send all of you so much love and the most wonderful energy for a magickal New Moon this evening. I am loving the energy around us now. Can you already feel the shift? Tonight’s New Moon in Pisces is bringing us some wonderfully dreamy energy that is going to center on things like self-love, romance, healing, calm, and perhaps even a bit of nostalgia. It’s incredibly dreamy and I know a lot of you will enjoy this energy.
I felt the energy shift a lot with the Full Moon in Virgo a couple of weeks ago bringing us some additional stability and organization to manage things coming our way. Tonight the energy that this New Moon is bringing us is like a breath of fresh air. Perhaps a beautiful breath of fresh Spring air as we are so close to the Spring Equinox. Can you believe it’s next week? Here in Massachusetts it’s been unbelievably warm the past few days getting up into the 60’s. I’ve been outside every day taking long walks and just breathing in that beautiful fresh air. I’m also looking forward to the time changing this weekend so that the sun will set an hour later. I’m absolutely ready for it.
Self-love and energy of romance will be incredibly high around this New Moon. It’s a great time to connect with yourself or a loved one in your life. This energy is calming, comfortable and just full of love. It’s the type of energy that makes you want to sigh with contentment as you can feel your body relaxing into it. I do believe this energy is going to help so many of us. You just need to be open to receiving it this evening. Unconditional love…. such a powerful type of love… such powerful energy. Look for it in your life. Find examples of it. Send it out there to those that you love in your life and make sure that you are giving it to yourself. You should always love yourself unconditionally.
The healing energy is going to be powerful tonight. As many of you may know, love is one of the most powerful healing energies out there. Embrace it and look to bring it into your life wherever you can. Even spending some extra time with a kitty curled up on your lap is an amazing way to bring more of this energy to you and help to heal your heart and soul. Things like quiet bubble baths, long walks in the fresh air and anything else you can think of that relaxes you and makes you feel loved is where you want to go with the energy this weekend.
This is also a great time to dream. Let your mind go! See where it takes you. If you’ve been living a rigid schedule and working hard it’s good to just let yourself dream from time to time and see where it is that your mind wants to wander to. It can give you some important clues about what you are wanting in your heart and soul.
I mentioned nostalgic energy. This is always one of those tricky energies for me. It can be good in remembering things that you loved from your past. It can be tricky in letting the past pull you back. Allow yourself to dive into those memories and bring back that happiness as it comes to you but if you find yourself drifting backward make sure to ground and center and come back to the present. While this energy is wonderful and meant to bring us happiness it’s also meant to prepare us for our next leg of our journey this year. This is not a time to get caught moving towards your past.
I pulled the Hermit for our New Moon tonight. The Hermit lets us know that it’s a good time to seek our truth… it’s a great time to reflect upon where you are and just turn inward to see how you are doing. When you are surrounded by the New Moon this evening you are going to feel like you are more comfortable doing so. Safe is even a word that comes to mind? Perhaps things will be quiet for 24 – 48 hours to give you that time that you need to reflect a bit. I can’t promise that but that’s the type of energy I’m picking up. It’s as if things will calm for a moment so we can catch our breath and heal. Give yourself time where you can. Take time to do something for yourself. Look for that inner truth. What is it that you need to tell yourself right now or that you need to know? Self-awareness is key right now and the energy around you right now is meant to help you with that.
I hope that you have the most amazing New Moon tonight!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. If you haven’t ordered the March New Moon Tarot Reading yet, today is the last day!
New Moon Blessings!

One thought on “New Moon Blessings!”
Thank you Jasmeine and New Moon Blessings to You.