ArticlesNew Moon

New Moon Blessings!

Since we finished our trio of Full Super Moon’s I have been waiting for this New Moon.  I’ve been able to feel it’s energy coming and I think a lot of you are really going to love the energy that this Moon is bringing.  Some of you may have already felt it’s positive energy coming.  

This Moon has a bit of a dreamy energy to it.  If you’ve been feeling a bit scattered or unfocused it’s perfectly normal.  You are meant to relax more with the energy of this Moon and perhaps realign yourself with the energy of the Earth and nature.  This isn’t a time to get a lot accomplished but rather a time to take a deep breath and enjoy the world that is currently around you.

We have some beautiful creative energy coming with this Moon. You may find yourself wanting to start a new project, participate in the arts, or perhaps even creatively rearrange an indoor or outdoor space to make it one that you will enjoy more.  This is really some positive energy that I know many of you will enjoy if you can give yourself time to sink into it and see where it takes you.

We also have some strong energy of rebirth and renewal.  We’ve had a lot of shifting energy and changes in our lives and as the dust starts to settle a bit we are going to start to see where we are and be able to figure out where we want to go next.  You can’t go through what all of us have been through in the last three months and not be changed.  I’m hoping that as a whole the world will experience a lot of changes for the better.  We’ve all been given clarity and information to help us improve the quality of our lives.  Think about how you want what you have learned to impact you as you move forward.  We are being invited to slow down now and re-trace our steps, not just for the last three months but over our lifetime.  Where have we come from? Are you where you wanted to be? What looks the same or different than you expected? Even though things may look different than expected or you may be in a different place than you thought are there things that feel like they were meant to be? Often changes in our life that go against what we are trying to do can bring us to a place that is better for us.  Consider this as you enjoy this energy around you tonight.

You are going to find that things start opening up around you.  Not just literally as parts of the country start figuring out how to move towards a new normal.  The energy will feel more open.  It’s going to be like someone gave you a breath of fresh air.  This lunar cycle will be really important so pay attention to all that you learn this month and look for those beautiful things to enjoy.  Also watch for evidence of blessings and abundance in your life that the Universe is trying to bring to you.

We also have some wonderful Fae energy around us now! It’s playful, fun and helps you to see and appreciate the small things in life.  Tonight is a great idea to leave out a treat for the Fae or to setup a small area of your yard or home for them.   They love flowers, nuts, seeds, milk and bread, herbs, tiny stones and things that are shiny.  They can bring some wonderful energy to you and your home. 

Ace of Swords, Mystic Dreamer Tarot | Tarot learning, Tarot, Ace ...

For this Lunar Cycle I pulled the Ace of Swords.  With this card we are seeing new beginnings coming our way.  Communication is going to be important and will be a focus for many of us.  You will also find that you are surrounded by love.  Loving energy is important as it not only helps to heal us but it also helps to improve our personal energy.  Many of you will experience restored love, perhaps some new love and just an overall revitalization when it comes to loving energy in your life.  

Don’t be afraid to let something end or to let go of something to experience a new beginning in your life.  Aces are all about new energy and new beginnings and this New Moon is bringing us some really wonderful energy to help us align ourselves with what we want in life.  

I hope that you have the most magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

For a copy of today’s Full Moon edition and a New Moon Spell for tonight, I invite you to join me on Moonsong Daily Magick!

P.S. If you haven’t already ordered your New Moon Reading don’t forget to book it today at the shop!

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