ArticlesNew MoonSolar Eclipse

New Moon Blessings!

 Ready for the New Moon tonight?  As many of you know the New Moon is my favorite time in the Lunar cycle.  It’s packed with new energy and often can feel a bit like a clean slate as you move into it’s energy. Working with this energy tonight can really help to set the pace for the entire Lunar Cycle so I always encourage you to work with it. 

Our New Moon is in Cancer bringing us the energy of water.  This energy is going to help us to tune into our emotions and calm things down a bit by bringing us some energy to help you go with the flow a bit more.  For many of us it’s going to amplify the emotions that we’ve been feeling lately but it should feel more calm.  Instead of feeling like you are on an emotional roller coaster you should find that you are aware of your motions and very much in touch with them but they should feel more steady.  It will be up to you if you need to take action to change anything that is going on with you to help stabilize and improve where you are emotionally.  This New Moon will help you to figure that out. 

You are going to find that self-love is a focus in the coming weeks.  Be sure to pay attention to yourself and what you need at this time. This is not a time to be hard on yourself but a time to show yourself the love and encouragement that you may need to help you feel comfortable with who you are and happy with the life that you are living.  You will find that our focus is brought to our roots in life.  You will see what you have accomplished so far and you may find that what you need to improve on will be highlighted.  It’s not a time for drastic changes but small simple changes have the potential to go a long way.

When the Moon passes between the sun and the Earth it can cause the Sun to look like it’s fully or partially blocked when you are looking at it.  This is known as a Solar Eclipse and we have one with today’s New Moon.  Tonight’s Solar Eclipse is special in that it is a Total Solar Eclipse.  This happens when the Moon is close enough to the Earth so that it appears large enough in the sky to completely cover the Sun.  Unfortunately the eclipse will not be able to be viewed by most of us.  You can see the viewing area here:  Eclipse viewing area.  On that same page on the right, you will find an option to view it live online when it happens.

This Solar Eclipse is going to pair up with the Lunar Eclipse with our Full Moon this month, amplifying as it goes and resulting in some energy that we are going to find that stays with us for the next 6 months.  If you have any places in your life where you are feeling insecure or unsure of what is going on the energy from the Eclipse is going to bring it out of the shadows and into the light.  This is a year of personal growth and if you’ve been working hard you may find that this energy isn’t as challenging? However no matter where you are on your path this energy may feel a bit like a mid-term as it looks at what you need in your life to feel grounded and safe in your day to day life.  It’s a time to focus on your roots in life, your home, immediate family and the love around you and make plans to change what needs to be changed.

This New Moon take it easy and go with the flow.  Look for changes that you need to make but don’t feel like you need to go out and get them done by tomorrow.  Acknowledging them and taking action steps towards them will put you one step closer on your personal path.

Have a magickal night!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Today’s article from Moonsong Daily Magick! Grab a copy of the full edition including a copy of the New Moon Solar Eclipse Spell designed to help you work with your shadow self and bring some new energy your way. Start every morning with Daily Magick in your email waiting for you!

P.S. Tonight is your last opportunity to order the New Moon Solar Eclipse Reading.  Those who do will receive a special coupon for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse reading in two weeks.

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