Tomorrow we celebrate our New Moon for May! Did you know that it is a Super Moon! A Super Moon happens when the Moon comes close to Earth in its orbit. It will make it appear bigger in the sky. It also amplifies the energy that this Moon is bringing you.
There is so much energy of change around us right now! Eclipse Season kicked off a powerhouse of change that had a significant impact on the lives of many of us. You are now on a new path in your life and as you move forward on it, you will see all those changes on the new path that you are walking. What I love about the energy of change around you now is that you should feel like you are more in control of this change. It’s almost like someone threw a deck of cards in the air and the cards that were broken or too worn were removed for you. Your job now is to rebuild those cards into something that you want. How do you want to build your house of cards? Pay attention to the energy of change moving around you and be sure that you move with it towards the things that you want.
Tomorrow on Moonsong Daily Magick I will tell you all about the rest of the energy that this New Moon is bringing your way. I also have a great New Moon Commitment Spell for you to work with. If you are a Patreon member with me you already have access to it!
New Moon Fairy Magick Readings are available now!! Tomorrow is the last day to order them. I can always feel the presence of the Fae around us. I wanted to make sure that our New Moon reading this month captured that energy. I love the magick of the New Moon and feel that combining the energy of the New Moon with the magick of the Fae will make for a really wonderful and enchanting guide for you for the month of May.
I also just opened the New Moon Tarot Messages for you! I have 12 available! They will be open for the next 24 hours or until sold out!
I hope that you have a Blessed New Moon and the most magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
New Moon Blessings!