Welcome to Eclipse Season! Can you feel the energy? It’s been letting you know that it’s coming right? Over the past couple of weeks many of you have found yourself facing some challenges that involved letting go of things and perhaps releasing things from the past. It was all leading up to this huge energy of transition and the kickoff of Eclipse season that we are getting with the New Moon and Solar Eclipse.
Let’s start with the New Moon. The New Moon was early this morning at 12:12 EST. Our New Moon is in Aries this month. As you know the New Moon is the beginning of a new cycle and this new cycle kicks off some intense energy that is going to be with us until the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at the end of this month. That space in between is powerful and many of you will find a lot of energy of change and transition within that. As we move through the energy of the New Moon tonight we are going to move into the energy of creation… creating your future….creating your path… this is some strong energy that really has the potential to change your path this year so pay attention to it and watch where it is taking you. Some of you may find that you are navigating some absolutely massive changes in your life. Don’t let that intimidate you. Step strong into yourself, ground, center and use those decisions you are making to navigate this energy in a way that makes sense for what you want. There is a lot of potential in this energy to bring some great things your way if you don’t let it overwhelm you and run over the top of you. You are in the driver’s seat, remember that.
There is strong fire energy tonight. Things that you are passionate about are important. Pay attention to that. Move with that energy. Be courageous in going after what you want. Be assertive when you need to be. Have confidence in yourself. So many things have led you to this moment that you are standing at right now. This isn’t a time to turn back in fear. Go after what you want. This is your chance to make big moves toward the reality that you want to create in your life.
Things to be aware of. Energy is high… so strong and so powerful. You may find yourself overwhelmed at times. If you find yourself crying for what seems like no reason look at that. You are releasing something. You are healing something. What is it? It’s important to what you are creating. While it’s important to be strong and assertive it’s also important to be sure that you are acting with intention. Watch out for emotional or knee-jerk reactions that may not be what you want. Keep everything well thought out and calculated. Use words with intention. It’s a bit of a balancing act that is going to call upon you being keenly aware of everything around you and knowing the best moves to make in this game of chess that we call life.
Yet there are always rewards to be had with hard work and I assure you they are there. It’s certainly worth playing for. Just choose your moves carefully.
As always I have readings in the shop to help you! The Tarot Message is available until I sell out. I also have the in-depth New Moon Eclipse reading and a separate reading to help you to work with the eclipse energy in the coming weeks. I plan on working through the weekend to try to move things as fast as I can for you! 🙂
Have an amazing night!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
New Moon Blessings and Blessings of the Solar Eclipse!