This New Moon is bringing some energy that may have you breathing a bit of a sigh of relief. You are going to find that the energy coming with this New Moon is going to help you to ground and really focus on things in your life. You will find that you have a better sense of clarity and that things just seem to make more sense. Things that may have been confusing or unknown may all of a sudden clear up leaving you with a clear direction of what you need to do next.
The clarity that this Moon is bringing is going to really help illuminate what we need to do helping us to get our priorities in line and really refocus on what is most important in your life. Personal health and wellness are definitely going to move into the lime light in your life so if you have things that you need to work on in this area you are going to find it’s a good time to start new healthy habits and begin things that will make you feel more relaxed and grounded in your life.
The energy of Beltane is still around us making your intuition run stronger than usual and making you more sensitive to all the energy that surrounds you. As you work with the spell this evening take some time to think about the path that you want your life to take in the coming weeks and action steps that you can take to make that happen.
The fiery energy of Beltane is going to merge with the energy of this New Moon bringing us some really wonderful energy. First you are going to find that you are inspired to do things to help you work towards your future and inspired to do things that make you happy. Follow this inspiration and carve out some extra time to work with it. It’s important to your future path for 2019 that you give yourself some extra time to do this. It’s also going to bring you some added energy for success. Definitely energy that is going to help you to be more productive and to help you really get into manifesting what you want in your life.
The other energy that you are going to find that started with Beltane and that will be elevated with tonight’s New Moon is energy of love and romance. If you have a significant someone it’s a great weekend to spend some extra time with them. If you are looking for someone it’s a great weekend to keep your eyes open and watch for opportunities. There is magick to be had when it comes to love this weekend.
Have a Blessed New Moon and an amazing weekend.
Don’t forget to grab your copy of Moonsong Daily Magick for all the New Moon Goodies!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. If you haven’t ordered your New Moon Fairy Dance Reading yet, today is the last day! <3