How many of you have seen pictures like the one above of the ocean with this incredibly pretty blue in the water? You may have even been lucky enough to see the beautiful blue glow in person. That blue is Noctiluca scintillans, more commonly known as sea sparkle.
Sea sparkle is a small, living marine species of plankton. They emit a blue glow when they are disturbed. When a ship makes waves or anything else that causes movement around the plankton, it will make them glow and cause the ocean to appear to glow blue.
They live around the world along the coast in estuaries or shallow areas that receive a lot of light. They exist on a diet of other plankton, fish, eggs, or bacteria. You will get blooms, or large populations of them, in areas with highly favorable conditions for them with nutrient-rich water and seasonal circulation.
Plankton are beneficial for us. Fish love to eat plankton so they help to boost the fish population as well. Plankton also helps to provide oxygen for us. I really love the beautiful blue glow that comes from these plankton. It reminds me a bit of the fireflies in the Summer.
I hope you have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong