
The Magick of Sodalite

I must confess that I do have a particular fondness for blue stones.  They are always just so calming! Can you feel how cool and calming this stone would feel in the palm of your hand just by looking at it?  The first time I saw this stone it instantly reminded me of the ocean.  The different shades of blue and white and even the browns just reminded me of those days during the Summer with my sand in the toes watching the waves come and go.

While not a common stone that you would come across frequently you will find that it’s not impossible to find Sodalite.  I’ve seen some beautiful examples at the gemstone shows and I know I’ve picked this one up at several New Age shops.  It was originally discovered in Europe in the early 1800s and picked up popularity for its appearance in Canada in the late 1800s.  It’s typically found as a filling in the veins of igneous rocks.  I mentioned that it was rare.  There are several locations in Canada including Mont-St-Hilaire and Quebec, Litchfield Maine and a couple of other areas that this stone has a stronger presence.  Perhaps my being from New England is why I have seen this stone more in my travels.

Earlier I mentioned how this stone reminds me of the ocean and how calming this stone is.  That’s absolutely one of the main energies that you will pick up when you first put this stone in your hand. Like a beautiful ocean wave, it can help to wash tough emotions and things you wish to let go of away from you if you allow it to.  It is incredible to work with as a stone for cleansing because of this.  It can really help you to detach from the worries and fears of life if this is something that you wish to work with.  It’s gentle though not jarring y our personal energy as you work with it.  This is indeed a true partnership of energy as you work with this stone.

It also is wonderful for both your throat chakra and third-eye chakra.  It will help you to focus on your intuition more and what you are feeling in life.  It’s a great stone of connection helping you to connect to yourself and other people who are in your life.  Its energy helps open your throat chakra and enhance communication making it easier to talk to others. 

This is also an amazing stone for trust.  If you have any issues with trust, trust in yourself, trust in others, this is a great stone to work with.  When you have worries, fears or issues with trust come up, set it in your palm and see if it helps to remove that energy making it easier to navigate situations involving these things.

I hope that you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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